Abided Heart Ministries

How is your relationship with Christ? 

Do you long for deeper intimacy with Jesus? 

Do you have desires that won't go away? 

Is there something burning within your heart? 

Are you in an exciting season of growth with the Lord?

Do you ever feel that being a disciple of Jesus seems confusing?

Would you like some help on your spiritual journey?


The spiritual journey requires

                                 And it is good to have a Spiritual Director to help you on your journey.


My name is Kathy Koy. I am a Christian Spiritual Director with a passion to see others walk in their abided life in Christ.  My life of abiding in Jesus is lived with intention and purpose.  

I would love to help you in your journey to grow and deepen in Christ.  

Click on the pages listed at the top of the page to read about what I do, what Spiritual Direction is, and to learn about my story.  To get in touch with me, click the button below.